Freelance Problem Solving
A monthly, facilitated group discussion hosted on Zoom, exploring the challenges or questions faced by Theatre Freelancers
Freelance Problem Solving is an invaluable opportunity to explore the challenges or questions you might be facing as a freelancer and receive tips, advice or support from your wider community of freelancers.
It’s a non-judgemental, facilitated space where you can connect with other freelancers to share knowledge, insights and experience.
Freelance Problem Solving is a service run on a volunteer basis for the freelance theatre worker advocacy group Freelancers Make Theatre Work
“It’s just life-affirming being in a room with other theatre freelancers”
“It’s lovely to get under the bonnet of what’s going on in the industry with people who know exactly what you’re talking about”
“You nailed it. Problem solved! Thank you”
Participant feedback